Jane Brotchie
Personal and Professional Development Coach
I coach people who love to learn and grow in response to life’s challenges. I want you to be the cat’s whiskers!
I coach people of all ages and in all parts of the world, who are dealing with the everyday — but complex — challenges of life and work. Working in partnership, I help you to get in touch with your own wisdom and power, to reconnect to your creativity and to put your unique talents to work.
Interested? Let's Chat!
Is this you?
Any of these scenarios could be a reason to work with me as your coach:
Outwardly you are accomplished and sorted but inside you are struggling. Keeping this to yourself is beginning to have a cost.
You’ve reached a senior level in your organization and now you are at a crossroads in your career. You need to reconnect with what’s most important to decide what’s next.
You’ve stepped out in a bold way – maybe taking a promotion or moving to a new country – and you could use a guide to help you navigate this unfamiliar territory.
Life is dealing you a new set of cards: a new job, the birth of a baby, returning to work, retiring, divorce, living with health issues, turning 30/40/50/60/70....
You are a high-flyer, driven by your purpose and desire to make a difference in the world but you’ve neglected the most important person in the story – you.
Working for yourself has been your choice but recently you’ve fallen out of love with what you do. You can’t switch off even when you sleep and you constantly worry about the work drying up.
Where personal meets professional

I love to work with people who feel a calling to what they do and who care deeply about others and the planet. You may have found your ‘calling’ already or you may still be searching... Either way, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my own life it is that you can only give to others when you look after yourself.

Taking time to understand yourself and your own needs helps you to be more skilled in your relationships with others. When you understand how to use your strengths in service of what you love to do, you will tap a rich seam of compassion and energy that will help you be a leader in whichever field of work you choose.
What if you could:
...be in work that brings you energy – rather than sapping it – and that feels easy?
...trust that you have what it takes to manage whatever life throws at you?
...know that just being you is enough?
Imagine being:
...grounded and confident in yourself.
...in charge of your life and setting your own rules for how to live it.
...able to recognise your unique gifts and use them to make a contribution to the world.
And if you felt all this, what then would be possible?
Join me in my coaching cabin
Why not take the first step and book your coaching consultation session? There’s no catch and no commitment – it’s completely free of charge and gives you the chance to ask questions and experience how I coach.
Book your free consultation— Tracey, freelance professional, UKThe coaching has been a fantastic experience – I’ve learned a lot about myself and feel better equipped, practically and emotionally, to run my business and manage home life. It really has been life changing.
Find out how my coaching can help you to become the cat's whiskers!